Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Final Hump for 2008 artist: francis brillo

cannot believe another year is in the books and a whole new one is upon us. every moment passed by with blazing speed. each Hump Day kept hitting faster than the previous until i could no longer keep up X__x blogging has turned out to be great overall but keeping up with it has spawned more procrastination than 40-year-old bachelors still living with their parents. the culprit happens to be some unknown video game called street fighter 4. i plan to be more disciplined for the 1 hump day-er out there in cyberspace amongst other goals!!! 2-in-1 post for today the last day of 2008.

1st - my feelings @ cusp of new year

2nd - unposted Hump Day topics. top row consists of OBSCURE 80'S CARTOON C.O.P.S. and CIVIL WAR SOLDIER ANIME STYLE. bottom row SUPERBAD MICHAEL CERA CARICATURE and OUTLAW BIKER.

time to press RESET on this console called life.....2009 SHALL BE EVEN BETTER!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Topic: obscure 80s cartoon Artist: CM

I chose Tigersharks from the old "Comic Strip" cartoons. Most people I talk to don't remember this cartoon (Rick!!!!) but it existed... I SWEAR IT!!!! I put 2 of them because I particularly liked the one where the character stands out more (he's more grey) but I thought that the other one looked more like the character was actually underwater. Anyhow, I put both of them in to play it safe.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Topic: Civil War Anime Style Artist: CM

I drew a Union soldier in anime style drawing but more in a typical painting style rather than anime cel style.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Topic: Biker Artist: CM

I would have liked to have taken even longer on this one but this is the assignment from 2 weeks ago so I was getting backed up. Enjoy.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Topic: Caricature Artist: CM

relieving some work-related stress. When life gives you lemons, you make a caricature of life LETTING LIFE KNOW WHAT A *!$@# SHE IS..... ok, I have issues.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Artist:Jasper Santos - Topic: Biker

I always thought that bikers have one certain look to them that makes them a real biker. For me it's their distinctive beer belly. If your belly doesn't sit on the gas tank, then you ain't a real biker! hahahahh! i'm still working on mine.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

artist: francis brillo topic: arcade junkie

@ the height of arcade gaming my pockets were being emptied quicker than winning a round in street fighter 2. mortal kombat 2, daytona usa, the simpsons, tmnt, x-men all were quarter crunchers. too bad arcades these days have lost their once glorified stature...maybe now people realize you don't ever really know what grossness each joystick has under a microscope. VIVA LA QUARTERS!!!!

Artist: Jasper Santos - Topic: Arcade Junkie

This one is for all those times I ditched school and went to a local doughnut shop and spent my lunch money on playing arcades!!
I think im gonna turn this sketch into a painting and submit it to the I AM 8-BIT show...

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Topic: Arcade Junkie Artist: CM

Here's my entry for the new topic. Nothing special. Just the typical arcade junkie with the quarters on top of the machine plus the coin holder on his waist, thundercats t-shirt and a soft drink in hand.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

artist: francis brillo topic: hero

hero is applied in so many ways. it took a second for me to decide whether or not i would do something serious or light-hearted. ultimately i chose john lasseter. the man behind one of this generation's most successful movie studio, pixar. an artist turned leader now in charge @ the house of mouse. someone who takes chances *cars* ahem i mean like wall.e cause HE CAN!!! from toy story to next year's up. each story has imagination oozing out of it. even if not all pixar endeavors are directly from him, they received some type of lasseter "influence." here's to mo' pixar made anything. WHAT WHAT!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Topic: Our Hero Artist: CM

The hero I chose to draw was superman, but not the usual "mr. Olympian" Superman. Mine's more of the regular guy with super powers. If superman looks like he has muscles coming out the ying-yang it takes away from the idea that it's a "superman". Heck, I see Arnold Swat... Swatchs... our governor (California) and it's not much of a strech to imagine him lifting a car over his head but if you see a regular skinny guy doing it, you realize there's super powers involved. Anyhow, here's my entry.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Artist:Jasper Santos Topic: Pool Man

I've always wanted to wear a suit like this and swim around San Fernando Rd and Tuxford when it gets flooded. Unfortunately it hasn't rained lately...darn it!

Friday, August 22, 2008

artist: francis brillo topic: pool man

owning a swimming pool requires upkeep no matter the "cost." say hello to your daily variety water-bowl-on-my-property expert. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!!! maybe sunblock should somewhat help his non-apparent discoloration. um yes there is swim attire underneath all that....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Artist: CM Topic: Pool Man

The few, the proud, the un-sung hero, the pool-man. He cleans other people's urine from our summer oasis and clears the insect carcass floating on top of the muddy green water we bathe in. There are no stories written about him (save for porn) nor are there poems to tell of his plight. But there will always be this cheap-late-at-night-half-asleep-booze-induced interpretation of his daily struggle. I salute you pool man. (sorry, no hot girls in the background although I did include my ex-wife swiming in the pool. The Humpdae Blog is not liable for sudden blindness striking its readers.)

(ps: I joke around but truth be told anyone who makes a living without killing one or stealing from another is someone to admire, regardless of their job.)

Friday, August 15, 2008

artist: francis brillo topic: dim sum lady

i was hit with a dose of hayao miyazaki while drawing this week's hump day idea. his films convey all sorts of off-the-wall concepts executed well and leave audiences in amazement. wonder how many people would accept chinese cuisine from a ginormous server....time to eat more dim sum!!

Artist: CM Topic: Dim Sum lady

Ok, so this may not seem exactly as the topic suggested but it's 1:30 in the am and I don't care anymore. Just want to turn in my homework. I wanted to do a SF2 piece but since the topic had nothing to do with it I had to do something to incorporate something of Street Fighter into it. A better title for this is "BFF". I know E. Honda is Japanese and Dim Sum is a Chinese delicacy but judging by his physique I felt he could appreciate the food more than Chun Li, Fei Long, etc. Hope you guys like it.

ps: I had planned to do Mrs Swan from classic Mad TV but instead I just used her as an inspiration.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Artist:Jasper Santos - Sketch Topic: DIM-SUM LADY

I love me some deep fried shrimp on a sugar cane stick! and just to make it even better, how about some mayo to dip it in!!! YYYYUUUUMMMMYY! OH YEAH!
Dim-Sum lady rocks!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


an undisclosed source recommended mma moves for our drawing topic. being non-educated in mma personally i cringed a bit but still gladly obliged. here's what the brain poured out.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Artist:Jasper Santos - Sketch Topic: Office Worker

Medium: Lumber crayon and Acrylic paint on Illustration board.
I think everybody can relate with what the mug says "FUCK WORK!". They do sell an actual mug like that. My friend's dad (R.I.P) was carrying a mug like this during his son's concert with pure Jack Daniels in it! I think I'll be using this mug in my paintings as a trademark in memory of his dad.

Monday, August 11, 2008


like any employee, office workers start off with a give-it-my-all work ethic. as time passes your "work" spirit gets eaten up slowly because of low morale, politics or just plain bull up to the point where you simply don't give a f*** anymore. i picture this sad soulless bastard. and no. smoking did not kill him.

My stuff so far

These are my images. The 1st was under the topic "office day". I figured the "suicide with a magnum" although appropriate, was probably over done. So I came up with this one:
This other one was under the title "mma moves", not "greek man's dream" so... don't go there.

The 1st was all done on Painter X while the second was was sketched on ball point pen, scanned and painted on Painter X. Still trying to learn it so this blog is gonna be great practice for me.

Artist: Jasper Santos - Sketch Topic: Office Worker

I was sketching these guys during our company meeting... i use to get in trouble for that during my childhood days in class. The teacher would punish me for sketching in class during the lecture. I guess they thought I wasn't paying attention to them. Even though I heard everything they said.